園の様子 / お知らせ

English Toddler afterschool

Hello and welcome to Toddler afterschool. From the beginning of the year the children have been wonderful to teach. Since May we have been learning the alphabet, colours, shapes, numbers, animals, how animals move and family members.


Toddler afterschoolへようこそ!



After the summer holiday we started learning how to ask a friends name and how to reply, body parts, clothing, opposites and some simple greetings and nice things to say to each other (good afternoon, hello, here you are, please and thank you). In the next pictures the children are asking their friends, What is your name.


夏休み明けからは、名前の聞き方と答え方、体の部位、反対語、簡単な挨拶や「どうぞ」「ありがとう」などのレッスンを始めています。 写真はお友だちに名前を聞きあっている様子です


We are learning using fun ways to help understand. Here we are making a big and small circle with our friends.

楽しい方法でわかりやすく! 写真は大きな円と小さな円をお友だちと作っている様子

Below we have been learning about too big and using adult clothing for the children to try see what it looks like and understand the use of too big.     


Mr. Paul 

